Copyright Infringement Policy

Amcom Telecommunications Limited and its subsidiaries which include Amnet (Amcom) view the infringement of third party intellectual property rights (including copyright infringement) as a very serious matter. Amnet's Customer Relationship Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy provides that account holders must not use Amcom's network or services for any unlawful purposes, including copyright infringement.

If an account holder uses Amcom's network or systems to infringe copyright, this may constitute a breach of Amcom's Customer Relationship Agreement which may allow Amcom to suspend or terminate an account holder's service.

Amcom has also adopted a "repeat infringer policy" in accordance with section 116AH of the Copyright Act 1968 and reserves the right to suspend or terminate its subscribers' accounts in accordance with such policy.

Title: Copyright Infringement Officer
Address: Level 22, 44 St Georges Tce, Perth, WA, 6000